Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So I've been a little bit angry lately. One thing that bothered me was that someone from my internship was kicked out (when I was out doing my interviews) because she was getting symptomatic. The people running the internship are not psychiatrists. I don't think it was right. We talked a few times, and I felt like she could have possibly been a friend. Now there is no chance of that.

My sister has been placing me as a last priority lately. The other night she said she was coming over, but her friend apparently kept talking and talking and she didn't text me until an hour later explaining that. She could have told her friend that she promised her sister she'd hang out, or she could have at least texted me a bit sooner than an hour after she said she was leaving to come over my house. Whatever. I guess it is no fun for her to hang out with me since I don't drink.

Back to the internship subject, I finally have a placement. It's at the university local to me and I'd be doing clerical work. That's good. One of the other interns was placed there too, so I think I might have some competition regarding getting hired afterwards. We will see.

I am going to a NAMI support group tomorrow night. I go every month and have found it to be helpful.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Two interviews in one day...

I got the Michael Jackson tickets! My boyfriend, sister, and I are going during the last week of the month.

I had two job interviews today for the NYS Keyboard Specialist position. I told the internship that I had a doctor's appointment. I was nervous; I kept waking up last night and was thinking about what I would say on my interviews. The first interview at campus residences went relatively well, from what I could tell. I felt that I gave good answers. The second interview, which was at the dental school, didn't go as well, as the lady in charge told me that I was overqualified because of my college degree. After she said that I knew the interview was pretty much shot. There were a lot of applicants for both jobs which sucks. At least I am getting practice interviewing.

So the internship is going okay but they haven't found a placement for me yet. I told them that I wanted something clerical and close to home. They were thinking about placing me somewhere relatively far from home. I might end up having to go there if they can't find something else. Most people have their placements already, and me not going in today is probably not speeding up my placement. Oh well, the interviews were important. If I could land a job with the State and make it through the probation period, I'd be set.

My grandmother (dad's mom) came back to NY from the place in Oregon she was staying at, her permanent home is in AZ. I hope I get to see her a couple of times during her visit.