Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This morning was a rough one, I had some trouble waking up at 7:30. I was supposed to get up at 7, but then I tried for 7:30 and finally I woke up at 7:45. I wanted to have left my house by 7:45. I didn't get out the door until 8:05 am. I went to go volunteer at the cat shelter and they like to start work at around 8:30. I didn't get there until 9. Hopefully next week I will be able to get up earlier so I can get there on time.

I was assigned the 'kitten room.' Boy was I lucky. The kittens are so adorable; this one kitten I liked, Amanda, was all black with the most beautiful green eyes. She was born March 25th. There was a sign on the door with their names and when they were born. It is a lot of work to volunteer at this cat shelter, there is really a lot into the cleaning system there. Different litter, different food, each room has its own mop and broom assigned specifically for that room. I guess the most difficult task was the mopping of the floor, as they want you to dry the floor with a towel as you mop it so the kittens don't get too much into the cleaning fluid. Amanda was very vocal and demanded attention. She also tried to run out of the room several times, and succeeded twice. I have a feeling she might be adopted by the time I get back there next week. I held her up to my shoulder for a while, she really liked to be held. I wish I could adopt her!

So that was my excitement for the day today. My mood has been better lately with much less anxiety. My housemates are not talking to one another, apparently a huge fight went down when I was away this past weekend. My house counselor called a meeting today to try and resolve things between the two of them. It became clear that things will probably be different from now on.

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