Monday, June 1, 2009

Back from the hospital

I haven't written a post in so long because I was in the psych ward for a week. I started having trouble sleeping with nightmares and only a few hours of sleep, so I called my psychiatrist to see if I could come in to see her. The secretary said that she was triple booked, so- no. They told me that my psychiatrist was working in the hospital that weekend, so I checked myself in.

The hospital wasn't as bad as the last one I was in. I ended up losing my pajama pants- my boyfriend brought them in and because they had strings, I wasn't allowed to have them. They held them at the desk and he forgot to pick them up on his way out. We realized this after I was discharged and called to see if they still had them but they could not find them.

I missed the Coldplay concert, but it was important that I kept myself healthy.

I am having some difficulty with the pharmacy, they are trying to get in touch with my doctor because she wrote my prescription in such a way that my insurance company will not pay for the medicine. I've been cutting my pills that are a larger dose to make up for not getting my meds. I hope I will have them by tomorrow- I've already waited the whole weekend.

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