Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Update on housing

On Sunday, my boyfriend and I drove out east and visited downtown Greenport. It was practically 60 degrees out and we walked down by the docks. Then we went to Starbucks, a place we visit quite often. I got a hot chocolate to avoid caffeine overload. Lately I've been drinking a lot of decaf tea.

Today my case manager gave me some information. She said that the handicap bus pass people would notify me in a few weeks. She also said that she spoke to someone from the housing agency and he said that couples housing is very rare, so we should expect to wait months before getting a place. That was a bit discouraging, but I have to be patient.

I have to recertify for food stamps so I am working on that application.

I never heard back again from the feeding volunteers of the homeless cats. I had told them what days I was available, and I guess that didn't match what they needed. Perhaps I will get the keyboarding job and not need to volunteer. We will see. I have no idea what I would wear to my interview. The last interview I went on, I wore a shirt that I didn't realize had a small stain on towards the bottom. I don't think anyone noticed, but I can't wear that one again. I will go through my closet- I am sure I'll find something. I should also print out a new copy of my resume, if I get contacted for scheduling an interview. Today I mailed in my work history form and letter of accepting the assignment. I am sure I'll hear something within a week or so.

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