Monday, May 18, 2009

Reality sets in

My therapist wants me to move out of my house- to get on a housing list again besides the one for couples housing. Couples housing might take years to get, and she thinks I should apply to move into different supported housing. I don't know if I will do that. Moving is a pretty big deal considering I have a lot of my own furniture now and I can't really afford a moving truck. I am used to where I am, even though I might not always like it. Moving into a house of strangers is not easy.

Sometimes I feel like I need therapy twice a week. The problem is, when I finally get into talking about important stuff that is bothering me, it is time to end the session. If only the sessions were an hour and ten instead of the forty-five minutes. It is important that I look at my watch once during the session so I know how much time I have left. Only once. I usually end up checking it around twenty minutes in.

Lately I have been thinking about my life, not knowing what I should do with it.

I had a nice time going out tonight with my friend. Then I come home and reality sets in.

Perhaps I should call my therapist tomorrow and try to get a sooner appointment. I should probably get to bed now so I can do that mid-morning.

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