Sunday, August 31, 2008

All that keeps running through my head

I pulled an all-nighter last night. I think it's because I had a 24 oz coffee from 7-Eleven. It wasn't decaf. So I've been sleeping on and off throughout the day today. Everyone I know is working or at parties so I don't mind having slept most of the afternoon. My boyfriend brought to my attention that I could volunteer on the weekends, instead of being bored all the time. My initial reaction was that I felt he was telling me what to do. I've thought about it though and I realize he was just trying to help me out, like he always does. I wish I could look at the volunteer book from the hospital online, instead of having to drag myself there and sit in a tiny room thumbing through a huge book trying to pick out an assignment. I think I remember though that most of the assignments were M-F. I might still eventually go there to see if I could find something for the weekend.

All that keeps running through my head lately is that my therapist Jeanne is now on vacation for three weeks. I still have Dr. K., but it's different. If Dr. K. went on vacation it would not affect me as much. Most of my deep issues are worked on with Jeanne. Dr.K. and I once had our own small tea party. It's like that.

A friend of mine insists that psychotherapy is not the answer. According to him cognitive therapy is the way to go. He argues that in psychotherapy, the patient is constantly venting. Getting things out, and talking about problems, but where does that end? He said it just tends to go on and on, not solving anything. You could talk until your face was blue and you would be at the same position you were at before you even met your psychotherapist. I don't know if I 100% agree. I can see where he is coming from though. It does seem that the need to vent never ends.

"Are you lost or incomplete?
Do you feel like a puzzle, you can't find your missing piece?
Tell me how you feel?
Well I feel like they're talking in a language I don't speak
And they're talking it to me"

The above lyrics are from 'Talk' by Coldplay off of their X&Y album.

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